The Founding Collector Couple, Mrs. Roohi Savara and Mr. Rajiv Savara
The Founding Collector Couple, Mrs. Roohi Savara and Mr. Rajiv Savara

About the Founding Collector-Couple

The Collector-couple, Roohi Savara, a Lawyer by profession and her husband, Rajiv Savara, a Fellow Chartered Accountant is recognized for their contribution as Collectors and Connoisseurs of Pre-Modern and Modern Indian Art. With and through their extensive interaction and participation on multiple initiatives with Museums and not-for-profit Organizations worldwide including the privilege of serving on various Advisory Committees and Boards of Trustees of Museums, led them to recognize the need for world-class Museums in India that showcase to Museum-loving audiences, the very finest examples of the Indian Visual and the Decorative Arts. With this in mind and with the determination to realize their this dream, the Savaras’ have collected over a span of close to three decades, with a trained eye backed by scholarship, the finest examples of the Indian Visual and the 18th through the early 20th century Decorative Arts.

Roohi and Rajiv supported the scholarship around and the hosting of a seminal exhibition including the publication on the Bengal Master Nandalal Bose at the San Diego Museum of Art and the Philadelphia Museum of Art – United States of America.

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